Saturday, February 23, 2008

Narrative Report 4

January 26 – February 5, 2008

Update news

Although the full-day rain that happened at the end of January 2008 was not damaging enough (January 30, 2008), it made few places like schools and farms were pounded by rain water again. It means we have to give away various kinds of helps to these beneficiaries. Yes, we realize completely about the uncertain weather and climate nowadays and we have worried things like this may come suddenly. Even so, we are well- prepared to overcome such an incident like this in case the disasters strike one more time. But beyond that we actually have been quite optimistic the situation and condition is getting better and better. But God really gives His blessings and gifts for every people because no matter what happens, donations (food and non food) keep coming from everywhere.

TEPAS (Temu Pastoral) meeting of kevikepan Surakarta which was held on January 14-16 2008 became a true blessing for Sragen posko. Salam Parish gave Rp 2,200,000,-. Flocks and Keluarga Kudus Parish Board, Banteng gave funds Rp 8,000,000,-. Interrelationships among us are still continuously attached. A fellow from Chicago United States, gave funds Rp 7,000,000,- through the Sisters of OSF from Brayat Minulyo community and Cilandak Parish (prayers and devotional groups) gave Rp 5,000,000,-. Those amounts of money will be allocated in farms and cattle’s assistance.

These past two weeks Sragen Parish as the one and only posko left now, has distributed packages to more than 30 districts or areas around Sragen. Those places are Klumutan, Masaran, Karanganyar, Tenggak, Gawan, Brangkal, Sragen Lor, Demakan, Krapyak, Sungkul, Pandak, Pondok, Kedung Upit, Mlale, Mageru Kidul, Karangdowo, Ngonce, Newung, Kuyang, Plasan, Ngledok, Sribit, Teguhan, Widoro, Pangle, Gentan, Jenawi, Kecik, Tawangsari, Jenar, Ngelu, Jono, Ngrampal and Tanon. Dropping needs to beneficiaries in these places is still the same as usual which contained food and non food stuffs. Not only giving them the urgent and daily needs but also distributing stuffs that are available in supply room at the church. For example hoes, shovels, sickles, buckets, bamboo baskets, kerosene, tents, boots, frying pans, stoves, candles, wall lamps, oil lamps and so on. Nevertheless rice, instant noodles, sugar, cooking oil, toiletries, clothes, and baby food are the main and basic products to distribute first.
KARINA-KAS itself still sends stuffs continually. But considering the progressive situation and condition, the delivery must be adjusted to its situation and condition as well. On January 29, KARINA-KAS has sent bed sheets (18 pieces), batik cloth/jarik (10 pieces), and clothes (9 boxes, 4 sacks and 6 bags). Meanwhile a fund from KARINA-KAS is given to volunteers’ meal and transportation only. KARINA KWI through Romo Ismartono, SJ sent 11 boxes of clothes for beneficiaries and we have distributed them to the students of Pandak Ementary School together with their parents and families. Furthermore, those clothes are also given away to families who needed most in Jenawi, Gawan and Tenggak.

Challenges and supports

• There are not many volunteers left now. Only several people still working regularly at the church. Most of them are old ones. Young people are lack of enthusiasm in giving their hands. But it is also possible they have no time caused by their own activities at schools or homes.

• These volunteers are really determined and competent in their jobs. They always do every task and duty unhesitatingly. No complaints found in fields considering their work in distributing things even though they had to distribute the packages in many and different places. Every beneficiary got what he or she had deserved.

• Romo FX. Sukendar and Romo FX. Suhanto continuously giving their supports. They both generously shower everyone with blessings and fresh spirit to do all things happily and willingly.

To support this action report, we inserted few photos as described below:

One of volunteer’s activity at the church

Blankets distribution in Sribit district

Foods distribution in Tenggak district

Food-loaded truck, ready to distribute

A beneficiary got a tent and a tarpaulin in Teguhan

Reported by Ellen Andaka
Sragen, February 7th, 2008.

Narrative (Action) Report 5

February 6 – 23, 2008

Update news

As reported before, the sudden and disastrous flood, whirlwind, landslides and subsiding land in Sragen and 16 districts around it has made many people, foundations, and-or companies giving out their hands to the beneficiaries related to their deep concerns about any kind of difficulties faced by those ones especially in fulfilling their daily needs. Here, Sragen Parish with four other poskos, benefactors from local, KARINA-KAS sub Purbowardayan Parish, and KARINA-KWI actively and continuously keep sending needs. But after some time of course the situation became in excellent progress and benefactors made adjustment regarding to the situation itself.

From the moment these natural disasters were striking seriously, KARINA-KAS stated one-month emergency phase to overcome and take control urgent situation and condition so that all volunteers can work as fast, efficient and effective as possible. And it worked! At the end of January 31st, 2008; the limit time of emergency phase, everything is under control and well-taken care of.

Until today, we have noted down what kind of needs given away, and where the needs were dropped in. From the data record, the needs went to Sungkul (kitchen sets: on February 7), Mageru, Banyuning, Pungkruk (tarpaulins and tents: on February 8 and 9), Tenggak and Gawan poskos (clothes and toiletries: on February 9), Tenggak and Gawan poskos (stationery: on February 11-13), Srawung (food, clothes, toiletries: on February 14), Ngablak Sumber, Pandak (clothes, medicine, milk and blankets: on February 15), Pandak, Sribit (kitchen sets: on February 18), Tenggak and Gawan poskos (kitchen sets: on February 19).

On February 8 KARINA-KAS sub Purbowardayan Parish sent several items as well, which are stationery (2,300 pencils, 480 pens, 1,640 crayons, 840 erasers, 1,370 rulers, 5,000 paper books, 150 elementary school uniforms size 6, 200 uniforms size 8, 150 uniforms size 10 and 30 uniforms size 12). While on February 14 KARINA KAS, again, sent kitchen sets (530 pans, 530 rice steamers and 530 frying pans) continuously on February 15 sent 550 stoves.

The activities are still ongoing. On February 17, Mardi Lestari Foundation/general hospital working together with KARINA-KAS held free medical examination, located in Pandak village. With 3 medical doctors, 10 SFS Sisters, Sragen Parish Board and Rm. FX. Sukendar, the doctors and their assistants served for almost 500 patients. This program started at 7 am and finished at 13 pm.

Challenges and supports

• Everything runs well and on scheduled. Everyone involved here has determination and credibility to do all without complaining; considering how tiring and frustrating this work sometimes.

• Any data and records are made in transparency and accountability whether the incoming or outgoing goods or money are well noted and kept

• Slowly but sure the beneficiaries are able to stand on their feet again. Their lives are back to normal although they still have to keep doing certain efforts to collect their old jobs and possessions.


To support this action report, we inserted few photos as described below:

KWI Jakarta’s truck carried a full-loaded cargo, arrived at Sragen Parish

Volunteers unloading and counting the cargo (1)

Volunteers unloading and counting the cargo (2)

Volunteers unloading and counting the cargo (3)

Tool kit distribution in Tenggak (1)

Tool kit distribution in Tenggak (2)

Reported by Ellen Andaka
Sragen, February 23rd , 2008

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Bantuan kepada siswa-siswi SD Gawan & Tanggan

Penyerahan bantuan peralatan sekolah untuk siswa-siswa SD Sribit, Sidoharjo, Sragen

Pengiriman bantuan di SD Pandak, Sidoharjo Sragen

SD Pandak II saat tergenang banjir

SD Pandak, Sidoharjo, Sragen pasca banjir

 Penyerahan bantuan peralatan sekolah oleh KARINA Sragen

Penyerahan bantuan peralatan sekolah kepada para siswa SD Pandak II

Bantuan seragam sekolah, tas dan peralatan sekolah disiaplan di Posko KARINA Sragen

Para sukarelawan sibuk mengemasi bantuan barang berupaseragam sekolah, buku, alat tulis, tas sekolah, sepatu dan peralatan sekolah lainnya di Posko KARINA Gereja Katolik Sragen yang akan disumbangkan kepada  para pelajar korban banjir